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shiaopao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

得獎啦!看孩子們臉上的表情就知道大家很興奮得到這份榮譽,5B的孩子們,Well Done! 希望下各月還能繼續看到我們的傑出表現。It    

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Grizzly BearsDSCF1114.jpgDSCF1099.jpgDSCF1085.jpg  

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Review WeekDSCF0931.jpgDSCF0936.jpgDSCF0961.jpgDSCF0964.jpgDSCF0976.jpgDSCF0981.jpgDSCF1017.jpgDSCF1033.jpgDSCF1030.jpg  

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This is the game we played in reading class...the students choose a letter and two competitors have to take turn saying one word  out loud which has to begin with the letter they choose..each player only has five seconds...

This is an easy and challenging game for all the kids even for those passive students..

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ESL Science課上到食物鍊的概念,透過大家的討論,我們將製作魚缸裡的擬溼地生態,居住者會有蝾嫄,水生植物,螃蟹,魚蝦類,希望讓同學們觀察這些動植物間的互動及生存關係。


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2011 Language Arts 元宵節活動IMG_20110217_172917.jpgIMG_20110217_172907.jpgIMG_20110217_172957.jpgIMG_20110217_173053.jpgIMG_20110217_172917.jpg 

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照片 058.jpg照片 048.jpg照片 092.jpg照片 100.jpg照片 106.jpg照片 114.jpg照片 120.jpg照片 128.jpg 

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Somehow not only for Christmas
But all the long year through,

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This is our second science experiment. It's about the energy transfer and how the stored energy in the rubber band transfer into mechanical energy which moves the boat. Kids enjoyed the procees of making their own boat and also came up with a silly name for it.

science experiment -Energy TransferIMG_9357.JPGIMG_9366.JPGIMG_9368.JPGIMG_9374.JPGIMG_9392.JPGIMG_9390.JPG照片 040.jpgIMG_9404.JPGIMG_9405.JPGIMG_9406.JPGIMG_9407.JPGIMG_9408.JPG照片 042.jpg 

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孩子們大了,已不在期待Santa會從窗戶爬近來了,不過對於禮物的期待還是不變,或許聖誕節就是一個溫暖、充滿祝福的節日,大家對於聖誕襪裡藏的東西還是有一絲的興奮及期待 , Merry Christmas 5B的孩子們

 2010 Christmas snpshots照片 010.jpg照片 005.jpg照片 003.jpg照片 012.jpg

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2010 Talent ShowP1120960.JPGP1120941.JPGP1120950.JPGP1120974.JPGP1120955.JPG P1120957.JPGP1120966.JPG

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